2017-2018: We lived on the Upper East Side, Manhattan, New York City. I registered as a Democrat in the days after Trump’s inaguration, and began brainstorminng. But I was too introverted, I told too few people. If I had told everyone I knew and met about these ideas, I believe that by 2019 I could have been in a position to win the partiy nomination
2023-08-06 through 2023-09-22: I did it again: cowardice and procrastination. I should have filed as a candidate when I began these emails in August; all the videos show a lack of confidence, putting the decision into the hands of others.
I wish I’d taken better care of my teeth as a teenager; I hate having fillings.
I wish I’d spent more time with my Dad before he died.
I procrastinated therapy too long with my wife, and swore too often.