Note: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) provides 24/7, free and confidential support for anyone in distress, in addition to prevention and crisis resources. Also available for online chat.
The purpose of this page is to argue — or at least promote the scientific investigation into the argument — that suicide is the end result of a nutritional lithium deficiency.
In their 2016 book Nutritional Lithium: A Cinderella Story: … , Drs. Greenblatt and Grossmann close with an opinion:
“Lithium is an essential nutrient without a formally named deficiency syndrome defined by our current models.”
I disagree.
I think if they make anything clear through their book, the authors convincingly argue that suicide is that very syndrome.
They, as medical doctors are intelligent, think in the long-term, and are not willing to make such a bold claim without enough supporting evidence. I’m young, passionate, and just foolish enough to write it: suicide is the end result of a nutritional lithium deficiency.
Presentation/argument method:
- Note the difference between “theraputic” or “prescription” lithium and nutritonal lithium. Most of the usage of “lithium” in the literature refers to a completely different dose and molecule as nutritional lithium, and communication is impossible if we do not share common definitions.
- Provide overview argument: lithium deficiency >> symptoms >> serious depression and rage >> suicide. Welcome attacks and criticisms, especially scientifically valid ones.
- Provide overview of exactly what a named deficiency syndrome is: vitamin C’s scurvy, vitamin D’s rickets, etc. Give a history of deficiencies, if possible. Are there syndroms for magnesium, calcium, potassium, and other minerals?
- Periodic table: minerals, hydrogen’s importance, and lithium’s status.
- Provide preliminary RDA studies behind lithium.
- Show chart with references to each disease state; show progression (depression, other mental problems), then give a powerful closing statement.
Initial references to look into:
- Vita A1, De Peri L, Sacchetti E. (2015). Lithium in drinking water and suicide prevention: a review of the evidence. Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 30(1):1-5.
- Schrauzer, G.N. & Shrestha, K.P. (1990). Lithium in drinking water and the incidences of crimes, suicides, and arrests related to drug addictions. Biological Trace Elements Research, 25(2), 105-13.
- Blüml, V., Regier, M. D., Hlavin, G., Rockett, I. R., König, F., Vyssoki, B., & … Kapusta, N. D. (2013). Lithium in the public water supply and suicide mortality in Texas. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(3), 407-411.
- Sugawara, N., Yasui-Furukori, N., Ishii, N., Iwata, N., & Terao, T. (2013). Lithium in tap water and suicide mortality in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(11), 6044-6048.
- Giotakos, O., Nisianakis, P., Tsouvelas, G., & Giakalou, V.V. (2013). Lithium in the public water supply and suicide mortality in Greece. Biological Trace Elements Research, 156(1-3), 376-9.
- Kapusta, N. D., Mossaheb, N., Etzersdorfer, E., et al. (2011). Lithium in drinking water and suicide mortality. British Journal of Psychiatry, 198(5), 346-350.
- Kabacs, N., Memon, A., Obinwa, T., Stochl, J., & Perez, J. (2011). Lithium in drinking water and suicide rates across the East of England. British Journal of Psychiatry, 198(5), 406-7. [i believe this was the negative result]
- Lewitzka, U., Severus, E., Bauer, R., Ritter, P., Müller-Oerlinghausen, B., & Bauer, M. (2015). The suicide prevention effect of lithium: more than 20 years of evidence-a narrative review. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 3(1), 32.
- Ohgami, H., Terao, T., Shiotsuki, I., Ishii, N., & Iwata, N. (2009). Lithium levels in drinking water and risk of suicide. British Journal of Psychiatry, 194(5), 464-5.
- Schöpfer, J., & Schrauzer, G. N. (2011). Lithium and other elements in scalp hair of residents of Tokyo Prefecture as investigational predictors of suicide risk. Biological Trace Element Research, 144(1-3), 418-425.
Update Log:
[10 April: Light edits, moved preliminary references from other page here]
[March 2017: Created]