More anti-vaxx COVID thoughts…

This is a response to some “educated” baby-boomer friends who have rejected the various COVID vaccines. Note: Names may have been changed. For a response to some concerns of some anti-vaxxer friends a month or so ago, see my post and tweet here: .See the tweet at the very bottom, which is the essence … Read more

A few fitness thoughts amidst our stay-at-home orders.

[Note: Since formatting on facebook is minimal, this post — for my fellow gym members — is reposted here. ] Hi all! In light of the situation, I wanted to share a few fitness thoughts. This post is ~1,400 words, or 6-min @ 250words/min, in five sections.  Here’s the outline: 1) Sun salutations 2) CrossFit … Read more

Social distancing, not social isolation!

1,300 words Read time @ 250 words/minute: 5 minutes (With addendums: 2,900 words / 12 minutes) Note 1: Rather than “main points” at the start, I’ve bolded them in their respective sections. Note 2: There’s an excellent paragraph from the NRPA’s article Keeping a Safe Physical Distance in Parks and on Trails During the COVID-19 … Read more

Quantum Nutrition: A Short Introduction

In 2013, in my first semester of graduate school, I had an idea: “What if we could trace the effects of a single nutrient from physics/chemistry/geology up through biology, past neuroscience and behavior, through all other areas of the university, from economics and art history to geopolitics and beyond?” Not until 2017 did I realize … Read more

Question: do you think lithium specifically affects athletic performance?

A few months ago, a member of my gym asked, “You recommend lithium for everyone, but do you think lithium specifically affects athletic performance?” Yes, yes I do. Like much about biology — and everything about lithium — we don’t understand the exact mechanisms very well. But here’s why lithium affects athletic performance.   Table of … Read more

A Letter to My Unborn Daughters

Hello! — If you’re new to my blog… how about reading What “Inclusion” Means to Me first? 2022 Addendum #1 — Written in 2017 when my wife was pregnant, this essay has recieved some disproportionate traffic lately. Although I disagree with a few sentences here and there, and I’m delighted to see more visible female … Read more

Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal, Mary Roach (2013)

Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal, Mary Roach (2013) Mary Roach’s Gulp was everything I’d hoped for, and a wonderful book for me to read. To call it interesting would be a massive disservice – the content is rich in story, wild yet grounded facts, and prose colorful enough to stimulate any sense while reading. … Read more